Why create a site that explores
the concept of beauty in the medium of television? The answer
is pretty simple. We've been fed on a steady diet of what is
beautiful from this particular medium for so long now, that we
have created a generation of young women who are dying of eating
disorders, young men who are taking drugs to build up their physique
and all anyone seems to deem important is how you look.
This state of affairs is
in a word - tragic. As a race, we have always appreciated physical
beauty, but also those who are clever, bright, funny, talented,
compassionate - and the list goes on. Somewhere in the last fifty
years - since television arrived - we have become more and more
obsessed with how someone looks, rather than what they can do,
or who they are as people.
So yes, I place the blame
for this skewed focus on television. I also blame it on magazines
and, to a degree, movies. But television is the one medium that
nearly everyone comes in contact with on a regular basis. They
may not buy a magazine, or even go to the cinema, but they are
bound to watch television. And so, the images that television
shows us are the strongest influence on us, and dictate our perceptions
and beliefs about the world and how we should look within it.
The visual messages from
television are sub-conscious in nature. I agree that the images
of violence and sex also affect us. But so do the images of thin
women and muscled men - usually with a tan. And it lessens us
as a species.
And before you think I'm
harbouring some kind of "I'm not considered a beauty"
angst, I modelled on television commercials for two years. I
started at age 14, but by age 15, I was already skipping meals
and obsessing about my weight, my face, my hair - you name it.
I decided to get out of the industry and concentrate on what
really mattered - who I am, not what I look like.
This site was created to
celebrate those television actors who hold their own kind of
beauty, not just in looks, but more importantly, in their quality
of work and screen presence. All the actors profiled here may
not fit the standard kind of "beauty" that our magazines
or media like to portray, but they all share that intangible
quality of spirit and presence that makes them uniquely beautiful
in their own right.
Others may not agree with
me, and they are entitled to their opinion. If you do not agree
with me, please don't waste your time or mine by writing stupid,
nasty and badly constructed letters to tell me so. No one is
making you visit my site, and no one will make me answer or even
acknowledge abusive or smartass emails about my taste or likes.
In a democratic society we should all remember this little saying:
"I may not agree with what you say, but I support your right
to say it." - just say it nicely, that's all I ask.
Beauty is ultimately an
intangible thing. What I consider beautiful, another may find
just the opposite. What I offer here is not the standard fan
site, but hopefully, a study of who is beautiful and why - apart
from the way they look.
the author
My name is Jana and I live
in Sydney, Australia. I am 19 and will start my arts degree at
university next year. I am Canadian by birth, but moved to Australia
with my parents when I was 3 years old. My grandparents are English,
which means I get to go to the UK every Christmas and New Year.
With blonde hair and blue eyes, I have a Grace Kelly kind of
look, and have been told so many times. But it doesn't interest
me. I want to be remembered for what I have done with my life,
not who I might look like.
As a result of my international
background, I have come to appreciate that our differences are
what make us beautiful. With a mother who is an artist, and a
grandmother who is a singer, in addition to my own experience
in modelling, the study of beauty and what it entails fascinates
A particular context of
beauty in our society that really interests me is in the world
of television, which routinely tries to tell us what is beautiful.
As a result, I have created this website to record my reactions
and thoughts about the concept of beauty in this part of the
entertainment industry, through highlighting those who occupy
our small screens and are, in my opinion, truly beautiful.
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